Sunday, December 17, 2006

To Snoop or Not to Snoop?

Are you a snooper? Do you like to look for your gifts before Christmas? Do you squeeze and shake the presents under the tree and try to guess what they are? I DON'T! It seems my cat does though (and I know my Mom does too). A present arrived yesterday for Sparky from Grandma and Grandpa and I put it up on the counter (along with Kobe's) to save for Christmas day. Last night while Kobe and I were cuddled on the couch watching "Driving Miss Daisy" we heard a loud noise come from the kitchen. We jumped up and we found the cat had knocked his present onto the floor and he was desperately trying to open up the tin! I snickered that he must take after Grandma and put the present up in the cupboard, unopened. This morning I found the cat clawing at the cupboard. I'm being mean and making him wait until Christmas, I hope I have a kitchen left by then! 7 more days!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Holiday Pictures!

Okay, Here are 4 pictures that won't be on my holiday card this season! :-)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


When did the networks decide it was okay to show reruns of hit shows in the middle of the season? I expect to watch them in the summer but not in December? All of my favorite shows so far this week have been reruns. I guess I need to turn off the tv and start reading some good books. I'll boycott the networks, that should teach them (in my dreams).

Oh, and here is the real "Rerun", Linus' little brother in the Snoopy cartoon!