Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Look for 2008!

Made you look! I thought about going with a red hair-do for the new year but instead I chose a new blog look. It might be the best decision I've made so far this year!

Oh, so you wonder if I made any resolutions for 2008? Well, not exactly. However, the Dr. tells me that I have to lower my cholesterol (total came in at a whopping 275, up from 225 last year) or go on medicine (actually he said I should do both). So... today is day number 6 of oatmeal for breakfast (yep, this means no more breakfasts at diners or restaurants for me). I'm trying to add more fruits and vegetables to my daily intake (sigh) and the Dr. suggested I start taking fish oil supplements. Take a look at these:

They are pretty gross (and huge), but if taking them lowers my numbers, I guess it is worth forcing them down. I visit the Dr. again in the middle of February, so wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the classy new look.......