Sunday, October 29, 2006

My cat might be a veterinarian??

I think my cat might secretly want to be a veterinarian. I caught him playing doctor with the dog the other day.

Here he is checking the teeth:

Now for the ears:

And on to the tummy:

He must have put a long day in at the office because an hour later this is how I found him:

The dog is worn out from his visit to the "vet"...

It feels like winter here today so I have some home-made Manhattan clam chowder simmering on the stove. The aroma is fantastic. Enjoy your Sunday!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"The Boys"

I try to catch these guys when they are playing but they usually quit when they see the camera! In the top picture, Sparky is giving Kobe some "luvin". In the bottom picture Sparky can't quite figure out what Kobe is looking at... Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fall Pictures from Central New York

I took these pictures the other day. The colors were just brilliant. My camera doesn't show the true beauty (note to self: upgrade to a new digital camera soon!). The weather forcast is for wet snow this weekend so I'll keep these pictures around to keep me in a good mood. Happy Hump Day!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Mars - the rover is still sending pictures!

Mars Crater
Okay, this is really amazing. Cornell scientists sent a rover (actually more than one) to Mars a few years ago and estimated that if things went well, the rover would send pictures back to earth for about 90 days. 900 days later the rover is still sending pictures!!!! The link above will take you to the latest Cornell press release. I find this fascinating. Don't you?

Friday, October 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Kobe!

I know it's hard to believe but this handsome dude is 4 years old today! Can you see that this is his "Are you sure you have to go to work?" look? Well, I do have to go to work so I had better get my butt in gear. Happy Friday and Happy Birthday Kobe!