Sunday, December 17, 2006

To Snoop or Not to Snoop?

Are you a snooper? Do you like to look for your gifts before Christmas? Do you squeeze and shake the presents under the tree and try to guess what they are? I DON'T! It seems my cat does though (and I know my Mom does too). A present arrived yesterday for Sparky from Grandma and Grandpa and I put it up on the counter (along with Kobe's) to save for Christmas day. Last night while Kobe and I were cuddled on the couch watching "Driving Miss Daisy" we heard a loud noise come from the kitchen. We jumped up and we found the cat had knocked his present onto the floor and he was desperately trying to open up the tin! I snickered that he must take after Grandma and put the present up in the cupboard, unopened. This morning I found the cat clawing at the cupboard. I'm being mean and making him wait until Christmas, I hope I have a kitchen left by then! 7 more days!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Holiday Pictures!

Okay, Here are 4 pictures that won't be on my holiday card this season! :-)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


When did the networks decide it was okay to show reruns of hit shows in the middle of the season? I expect to watch them in the summer but not in December? All of my favorite shows so far this week have been reruns. I guess I need to turn off the tv and start reading some good books. I'll boycott the networks, that should teach them (in my dreams).

Oh, and here is the real "Rerun", Linus' little brother in the Snoopy cartoon!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Holiday Season is officially here!

It always takes awhile for me to get into the holiday spirit. One annual event always helps: Watching "The Charlie Brown Christmas Special"! The show makes me smile, year after year. Somehow I seem to find it each year and last night was the night. I've even found a site that sells official "Charlie Brown Trees", I may have to put up a tree again this year afterall.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

framed puzzles

Posting a picture of the two puzzles I recently framed. Thanks to Mom for putting the puzzles together and to Dad for assistance with transferring from the card table to the foam core! They turned out quite nicely. The picture doesn't do them justice. Happy Saturday!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Rainbow at dusk tonight!

Tonight, before I left the office, there was an unusually strange skyline. It was almost eerie. Then, without much notice, the sun shone through the clouds and created a beautiful rainbow. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera so this picture is one I found on the internet. Sorry. Does anyone know of any folklore about seeing rainbows at dusk? There must be some stories out there somewhere...

Oh, good luck to Jessie and Marc today, I believe Bailee is on her way!!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

First Snow

It was bound to happen, the first measurable snow arrived last night and now the leaves are falling fast and furiously. The leaves are much prettier on the trees (in my opinion)! Happy Friday everyone.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

My cat might be a veterinarian??

I think my cat might secretly want to be a veterinarian. I caught him playing doctor with the dog the other day.

Here he is checking the teeth:

Now for the ears:

And on to the tummy:

He must have put a long day in at the office because an hour later this is how I found him:

The dog is worn out from his visit to the "vet"...

It feels like winter here today so I have some home-made Manhattan clam chowder simmering on the stove. The aroma is fantastic. Enjoy your Sunday!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"The Boys"

I try to catch these guys when they are playing but they usually quit when they see the camera! In the top picture, Sparky is giving Kobe some "luvin". In the bottom picture Sparky can't quite figure out what Kobe is looking at... Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fall Pictures from Central New York

I took these pictures the other day. The colors were just brilliant. My camera doesn't show the true beauty (note to self: upgrade to a new digital camera soon!). The weather forcast is for wet snow this weekend so I'll keep these pictures around to keep me in a good mood. Happy Hump Day!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Mars - the rover is still sending pictures!

Mars Crater
Okay, this is really amazing. Cornell scientists sent a rover (actually more than one) to Mars a few years ago and estimated that if things went well, the rover would send pictures back to earth for about 90 days. 900 days later the rover is still sending pictures!!!! The link above will take you to the latest Cornell press release. I find this fascinating. Don't you?

Friday, October 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Kobe!

I know it's hard to believe but this handsome dude is 4 years old today! Can you see that this is his "Are you sure you have to go to work?" look? Well, I do have to go to work so I had better get my butt in gear. Happy Friday and Happy Birthday Kobe!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Moving into TV's new generation

Okay, so I have been a little behind the times when it comes to my TV recording capability, still relying on my old VCR... Well, yesterday I finally traded my digital cable boxes for a DVR. I will begin this week by recording "The View" and "Ellen" for my evening pleasure (I've missed Rosie and Ellen far too long). The lady at the TWC office was amused at my delight and confused as to why it took me so long to make the move. The reason was due more to the location of the TWC office than anything else. I hate driving downtown in Ithaca if I don't have to. Yesterday was a rainy day so I decided to make the trip. I'll report back later in the week to let you know if I like it!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Latest picture of my boys!

Kobe has been a bit under the weather today. This has been my first experience with learning what the phrase "sick as a dog" really means. He didn't get up when I did this morning so I came home at lunch to check on him and he was lying on the kitchen floor. He didn't follow me into the bathroom for the first time since I've owned him, that's when I knew he was really sick. I loaded him into the truck for a visit to the vet and must be the ride jiggled him just right, because when we arrived he proceeded to take a big dump! Soon after he was wiggly and almost back to normal. The doc says he'll be fine, probably just ate something nasty. He's been very quiet all afternoon. Anyhow, I snapped this picture of Kobe and Sparky a few days ago and I thought I'd share. Enjoy the weekend!

Annual Seebers Memorial Ride

I took this picture at the Balsam Inn on Sunday during the annual Seebers Memorial Ride. Seebers is a quaint place in Smithville Flats, NY. The annual ride attracted more than 200 bikes this year. It was a very nice day for a ride!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Latest Addition!

My friend Amy told me last night I should post a picture of my latest addition, so here it is! It's a Chinese version of a R71 BMW, and yes, it arrived complete and with the sidecar! Kobe loves it and I have to admit it's quite a bit of fun to drive. It certainly turns some heads as I cruise down the road. Have a great weekend! We're planning to go on a ride tomorrow and if we do I should have some great pictures to post.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day!

Read all about the history of Labor Day at this government site: U.S. Department of Labor. Labor Day is a holiday devoted to the people who work to make this country great! Enjoy a day off everyone! And for those of you who are stuck working... I hope someone is expecially nice to you while you work today.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A LadyBug for Good Luck!

I decided to post a picture of a ladybug today for good luck. I'm hoping that this hurricane season is mild and Ernesto decides to be nice to the state of Florida!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Pet Photo Contest

Enter the Pet Photo Contest!
I've entered this picture of Sparky when he was a kitten! The pictures will be shown on the jumbotron at the NYS State Fair next weekend. Make sure you go to the site and vote for your favorite pet.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Today is my Mother's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Mom!
I thought you would like these pictures.
This is one of my favorites, a momma towing her baby, very similar to my tattoo.

Roses are red.
My Mom collects elephants.
You better not break one
Or she will kick your pants.

This is of one of your favorite birds:

Roses are red.
Hummingbirds fly fast.
Here's hoping your birthday
Is one big and fun BLAST!

Oh, and Happy Birthday to brother Don too!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

What a Day!

Today was sure a gray, rainy day but it turned out to be a great day. My Mom stopped by this morning so I could give her computer a checkup (it passed with flying colors) and fix her "F" key (it popped off last week for some strange reason). We had a nice morning together (even if Kobe kept bothering us). I even fixed lunch! Next I checked on the score of the Yankee/Red Sox game, and woohoo!!!! The good team won, once again! From there I switched to the golf where I witnessed some pretty spectacular golf shots. Tiger is co-leader and in the final pairing tomorrow, I guarantee he will be wearing RED! I just updated my blog links to point to Elliot's new race team and put a new picture of him up wearing his new Dodge hat. He's starting 2nd tomorrow at Michigan in his new ride! Wow! What a day!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Today is my Dad's Birthday!

Roses are red.
Today I am glad.
It's not just an ordinary day.
Happy Birthday, DAD!

You mow my yard.
It looks so nice.
You play with my critters.
I don't have any mice!

I'm a terrible poet.
That fact is true.
I know you will laugh.
And realize I love you!

Dad, I hope your birthday is extra special!
Love, Resa

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Persuit of Tiger

Okay, so I probably won't ever be as good as Tiger Woods at golf, actually it's a fact, there isn't any "probably" to it. I did, however, shoot my best round in the past few years last night in league, a 40! Not bad for my once a week play. It made me think about how good I might have been if I hadn't wasted all my younger years playing "other" sports and had focused on golf. Truth is, I would have most likely been bored. I love the change of seasons here in Central New York State and I also love to change my "games". I am not sure I have the mental capacity to live in a place where I could play golf all year, I think I would get sick of it. I would probably even be tired of riding my motorcycle if I could ride all year long, NOT! With that I'll end this babbling.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Wow, It's August already!

I just wanted to let everyone know that today my motorcycle is 2 years old! 22,000 miles and running strong! I've been riding so much I forgot all about updating my blog since June, how sad is that? Another beautiful weekend is upon us, enjoy!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

All grown up...

I've posted about the birdcam at the Rochester Kodak building before. Here is an updated picture of the baby falcons. They grow up so fast. They are all fledging this week and will be gone from the nest for good soon. It really is an amazing slice of nature to watch. If you missed them this year stay tuned until next Spring when Mariah and Kaver will be back to entertain us again.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


I decided to let mother nature take course with my speckled egg (see previous post) and here is a picture of the baby cowbird. It is indeed twice the size of the baby finches in the nest. Only 2 of the baby finches are around, my guess is the other 2 didn't survive. The are almost ready to fly away. If you haven't kept up with the Kodak birdcam in Rochester, there are 3 female peregrine falcons eyases, they are growing feathers fast and furiously and will be ready to fly away by the 4th of July. Nature is sure beautiful, too bad the weather around here isn't cooperating so I can enjoy it more!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Day in the Life of my Critters

I came home early one day this week and found out just what my critters are up to during the day. Don't they look like they have a rough life?

It's been raining for two days and the forecast for the next few days is bleak. I guess I'll have time to do my household chores and I won't be putting many miles on my motorcycle :-(

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

New Beginnings

Nothing good lasts forever. I have mixed emotions sitting here watching Katie's last day on NBC. I have watched her everying weekday morning for a long, long time. I wish her all the best on CBS and look forward to watching her on 60 minutes too (the show could definitely use some young spunky blood). The best part about Katie's move is that it is bringing Rosie back to daytime TV!! She too will bring a much needed lift to "The View" crew! Let's all toast to new beginnings!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Latest picture of my bike

Here is an updated picture of my motorcycle. I took it just before my ride to Myrtle Beach a few weeks back. Almost 19 thousand miles now and I just can't believe how much I enjoy it. Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Here is a picture of the nest I wrote about last night. My friend at work tells me that there is a bird that lays an egg in another bird's nest for them to hatch. I still find it very strange, yet interesting at the same time.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bird Nest mystery

Monica, my friend who watches my critters when I travel, told me about a nest out back of my house. I wasn't surprised to hear that she found a nest, I have them around the yard every Spring. This nest is very peculiar though. You see, it has 4 blue eggs and 1 speckled egg. Don't you find that bizarre? I have never heard or seen such a thing and the momma is sitting on all 5. If you have any ideas or data on this please let me know. Oh, and don't forget to check out the Kodak Birdcam, the 5 baby peregrine falcons have hatched are are cute white bundles right now. It's hard to believe they will be gone around the 4th of July.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Burnouts from Myrtle Beach

Check it out, a burnout by a chic at HB Spokes! Way cool, eh?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I'm back

3 weeks since my last post, holy cow, where does the time go?

I'm just back from Bike Week 2006 at Myrtle Beach. This picture shows some of the bikes I looked at at Barefoot Landing.

Can you guess what these folks might be looking at in this photo?

More news:

I arrived home to a dead washing machine. The pump finally seized up on it. Dad told me that it was time for a new machine last fall, but I managed to keep it going until now. Not bad for a $200 used washer that I bought almost 10 years ago. My new one will be delivered and setup on Tuesday!

Back to the grind tomorrow. Let's hope the weather warms up soon!

Oh, and thanks to Dad for keeping my yard looking grand!!