Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Can you pick me out of the crowd?

My brother Jim scanned this picture of his archives. It's a reunion picture of all my Grandma Wright's family in 1964. There is Grandma, her three children, with their spouses, and all 15 grandchildren. Can you pick me out of the crowd?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Nature Wins

Nature won this time in the old Nature vs. Nurture competition. 6 weeks of eating low-fat, low-cholesterol foods did nothing. My cholesterol went UP! Now I must research to decide which medicine to take for this. I've read lots about the side effects and I'm not looking forward to this next adventure. I will start on something after my vacation.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Living Room - yet again.

I agreed with Mom and Sandy, the wall was too cluttered, so here are pictures of the new arrangement. ALL I need now is the flat screen TV on the wall!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Ground Hog Day!

Rupert and I are sitting at the computer wondering if the ground hog saw his shadow. Most likely not, there hasn't been any sunshine here today! I guess that means 6 more weeks of winter. Don't we always have 6 more weeks of winter anyhow? 6 seems to be a good number, Rupert is 6 months old today!

Friday, February 01, 2008

February 1st, Month no. 2 in my cholesterol battle!

Day No. 32!
The fish oil pills only lasted one week, their side effects were too much for me (constant taste of fish, yuck). I've been taking pectin supplements for three weeks. If found studies that show fruit pectin naturally lowers LDL levels and its only side effect is curbing your appetite (not a bad thing!). Anyhow, today is day number 32 of looking at labels for cholesterol and trans-fat content. I will have more blood work done in a few weeks to see my new cholesterol levels (hopefully LOWER). Oh, and today my Florida countdown begins, 23 days until I head to the Sunshine State!!!!