Monday, February 26, 2007

Rumbling in Florida

I believe I have invented a new word this morning. Rumbling. What does it mean, you ask? Well, Trudy and Ernie came by yesterday with this beautiful 1929 Model A. Joanne and I went for a ride in the rumble seat. Resa's dictionary definition: rumbling (verb); riding in a rumble seat. How's that? Oh, and the weather update: It's warm but overcast here today and sunshine predicted for the rest of the week!


Anonymous said...

Resa - I am very, very jealous. Please bring us back some warm weather. Oh, and have a great time !!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you're a WWF fan now??? Are you "reaaaady" to rumble???

Anonymous said...

REEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSA!!! It is cold here! Enjoy "rumbling!" Heather

Anonymous said...

And Auntie Monica is spoiling the boys while Mommy Resa is gone! :)