Saturday, April 28, 2007

Where does the time go?

Where DOES the time go? Minutes, hours, days, months, and years fly by faster and faster. I try to save time, as the saying goes, to "smell the flowers" but I have to admit those times are far too infrequent. I'm off now to start my weekend chores. Happy Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello from Dubai!

Where does time go indeed? It is as though we're getting les and less of it to do more and more.

We decided to take time out to GO! Smell the flowers and it's the title of the book we're about to publish. Our site is designed to inspire others to 'smell the flowers'wherever and whenever possible - before it's too late! Great blog - feel free to post a comment on ours, keep up the good work! Jim N Em.